Tuesday, September 13, 2005

it is a narrow hallway

i cannot believe the journey we are on.

God gave me a vision this week of walking down a very narrow hallway. there are doors all along the walls. robby and i are walking and trying the doorknobs. on the doors that the Lord wants us to open, the doors open before we approach the door. at the doors where we try and they are not God's plan for robby's life, we are rattling the doorknobs.

He showed me rattling and shaking a couple of doorknobs and then explained that He would make it 100% sure that i knew this was a door we were not to go through. all the rattling and skaking and knocking would not open that door no matter how loud we yelled and knocked.

i realized He was telling me that He was going to lead us moment by moment, step by step.

we've been trying to get robby in Toronto to go to school, to do his community service hours, to go to church, and we've been stopped by the lawyer since the end of June. we need to have his bail surety removed from nancy to me and have met with delay after delay. we've been calling, leaving messages, getting other people to call, and this lawyer will not even return the calls. i've been crying to the Lord, i don't understand.

finally, with the help of a duty counsel (who is also a sister), we will be able to have what we need done on thursday. it means that robby will miss the first week of school, but that's ok.

it has been a powerful object lesson from the Lord.

He deals with me a lot in this way. it has been a powerful tool for me to use in counselling as i can quote a Scripture, but to express it in real life 'drama', it makes so much more impact.

The Lord is showing me. He's been leading us ... step by step. in HIS time, not in ours. His guiding Hand opened the doors before we knew they needed to be opened and held closed the ones we thought we were supposed to go into.

when we ask Him to lead us, He takes that seriously and if we are but ready to walk a small step at a time, we'll hear His voice and see His light on the path before us ...

what a relief!


annie said...

I know it is for our good that He leads us a small step at a time, but gosh, it can at times be very frustrating!

Carolyn said...

you've got that right, annie.

it's given me such peace though. He has been so direct and faithful, it's so awesome to be here to watch God bring the healing and as my sr. pastor said, to watch the 'second birth' of robby's future.

God is so good.

ukok said...

Small steps are just about all I can handle sometimes, which is exactly why he affords me the grace to take them. Thanks be to God!